In This Issue

Front Page
What's Happening
Food For Thought
In The Spotlight
Lay News
Youth News
In The Community
Sign The Guestbook

Merry Christmas from Praise!

Laugh Track

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Lay FYI's

The Lay Organizaton and the Youth Lay will meet on Tuesday, January 16 at 6:30pm. Please contact Sis. Gregory for more info.

Ask Julie

If you have doubts about certain aspects of the AME Church don't remain in the dark, step into the light and contact Sis. Julie Catledge, our Lay Representive here at Praise. Ask Julie, she'll be more than happy to school you on all aspects of the AME Discipline.

Lay News
Know Your Church: The Board of Trustees
by Sis. Julie Catledge

This month we shall attempt to enlighten the church's laypersons on the duties and responsibilities of the Trustee Board. The members of the church elect the board of Trustees annually. It is written that the minister must give at least ten days notice of intent before the election is actually held. The minister shall nominated twice as many persons needed to be elected; that number being no less than three or no more than nineteen members serving on any Trustee Board.

In order to qualify as a trustee a person must be 18 years of age or over and be instructed in the duties of the office as relating to the local church. Training must be completed within sixty days after the election or prior to the appropriate Quarterly Conference, whichever may come first. A person elected should have been a member of the local church for six months of a member of the AME church no less than two years except in the case of missions or new work. He/she must be a member in good standing in order to be elected to the Board of Trustees.

The minister in charge shall be the chairperson of the board and his signature must be on necessary on documents in order for them to be legal. A chairperson pro tem can be appointed to fill in the duties when the chairperson cannot attend meetings.

These are some of the duties of the Trustees:

  • The Trustees shall manage all temporal concerns of the church not otherwise provide for shall have a treasurer elected by the board.
  • The Trustees shall guard for the Connection all real estate, churches, parsonages, schools, and any other property obtained by the local church.
  • Make improvements upon property or real estate when authorized to do so by a majority of the legal members of the church.
  • Secure, by purchase or hire, a house for the pastor's family and also comfortably furnish it. In lieu of this arrangement, the pastor may be given a housing assignment.
  • Pay the majority of the moving expenses of the pastor and family from their previous assignment.

There are proceedings provided for when the improvements are to be made. A church conference is called and the majority of the persons present will vote on these measures.

Trustees are answerable to the Quarterly Conference for their official duty and shall make a report of all receipts and expenditures. A Trustee can cease to be a member of the body in the following ways:

  • When he/she is no longer a member of the local church.
  • When, in his power, the minister in charge suspends a trustee who refuses, neglects, or fails to discharge his/her duty and fill the vacancy until the next Quarterly Conference which shall dispose of the care.

During this conference year the Trustees of Flipper Chapel witnessed the burning of the mortgage as well as the dedication of the new marquee, now erected out on the front lawn. The present members of the board are: Bro. Melvin Herring (chair pro tem), Sis. Rosa Rosier (secretary), Bro. Claude Brown, and Bro. Eddie Randall.

There are plans underfoot for future projects to be administered by this body which may include the securing of other property and/or real estate that will benefit this membership as we strive to minister to the surrounding Bond Community and the outlying city of Tallahassee.